Will Writing

All our Will instructions are taken face to face or on Zoom. Putting your affairs in order is one of the greatest gifts you can give your family.

Cross in Nature Scene

We normally recommend that you include a trust in your Will, so that when you die you protect your lifetime savings (including your home) from other people.

Typical post-death situations include your adult child losing half their inheritance through their divorce, your children receiving nothing because your spouse remarries following your death, your savings disappearing on your spouse's care fees or the future care fees of your children, your children losing everything to the Trustee in Bankruptcy and your children receiving no disability benefits in the event of a serious accident as their inheritance classes them as too rich.

A single Will costs £250, mirror wills cost £400 and to include a trust costs an additional £500-£550.

60 Second Case Study: An up-to-date Will can make a huge difference.

Mrs W remembers how she received no money when her Dad died, as it all went to his second wife and then to her step-sister. She does not believe this is what her Dad wanted and does not want this for her own children, so asked us to create a trust-based Will for her. She is now happy knowing that when she dies, her own children will not miss out.

Don’t let this happen to you. Please get in touch.