Dominic Browning, Managing Director
Posted by Dom Browning
News, Resources, Insight and Opinion from Browning Financial Planning

Time in the market, not timing the markets

Dominic Browning, Managing Director
Posted by Dom Browning

Investors are always asking "when is the best time to invest".

Many will decide to hold off on making an investment, choosing to keep their money out of the markets in order to see what happens.

This might seem sensible, but if you find yourself in this position it’s worth taking time to really consider your best option. The first thing to do is to remind yourself why you’re investing in the first place. Any investment should be made with the goal of achieving something you want, such as providing for your retirement; however, it’s important to remember that returns don’t run like clockwork.

Predicting short-term stock market movements is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. If it wasn’t, then every investor would be doing it and making their fortune easily.

Other ways to help maximise your results include investing as soon as you can in order to benefit from compounding, using tax allowances such as ISAs to reduce the impact of tax on your returns, and reviewing your annual saving total and increasing it when you can. Staying disciplined in your investments is key, as missing just a handful of the best days on the market can have a major impact.

Enjoy the good times, but don’t focus on trying to predict exactly when things are going to change. If you’re planning to invest throughout your life, you can be certain that some years will be bad. However, long-term investors who keep to their plans are those who reap the greatest rewards.

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